"Write, write, write," he said. Ignore the wind and the waves and write.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm a winner! Sorta...

Hey, all!

Still in San Diego after last Friday/Saturday writer's conference in Orange County. Had a great time; met four new friends who I'm sure we will stay in touch, met John Ware and began the new path to screen writing, heard Vivian Wright speak brilliantly about creativity, AND had "Julia" take a third place (out of 38 books submitted) in the WestBow self-publishing package! Whoo-hoot!

I'm very excited about this. I had been thinking fairly seriously about pursuing WestBow or some other self-publishing house anyway. I really like the idea of preserving all the electronic rights of my manuscript, something I would have to give up with a regular publisher. WestBow Press is a subsidiary of Nelson and so has an interest in supporting the self-publishers in house--perhaps moving the book to the catalogue, etc, if it does well in sales.

WestBow will be calling me soon to make arrangements, if I am interested. Since I did not win 1st place there is a question as to whether I will publish with them or not--seeing if I can afford to pick up the rest of the package. In my dreams, I will be in print by July--we shall see!


  1. Hello Shelley,

    Thank you for helping me and Michelle to have a enjoyable time at the O C conference this past weekend. You were a true blessing, and very helpful. I will stay in touch with you and know that you are in my prayers. I am still absorbing all the information of this weekend. One thing you can be sure of I was truly blessed. God Bless You. Angela Warren

  2. It was such a joy to meet you! I am excited to see what God is doing with your story. I know that we wil stay in touch and now I can check your blog to see how it goes. Love you! Shelley
